Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Developing my Illustrations

I wanted to add some colour to my drawings of cars so I scanned in an image and developed it on Photoshop. I'm liking the effect of building up different textures and shapes over the illustration and this is something I want to continue looking at. The only problem I have at the moment is these images don't have any meaning to them- they're just pretty pictures. I really need to start giving myself a clearer direction...


In my tutorials and a discussion with Matt 'The Horse', I've been encouraged to start catorgising (How do you spell that) my illustrations. Matt thought I would be better off
focusing on objects as opposed to people so I've begun by drawing a few cars...

Experimenting with mixed media..

One of my goals for this project is to start experimenting with mixed media. I want to move away from relying so heavily on computers and start using different papers and pens. I chose an image from my sketchbook and translated it for this piece using a range of coloured papers and textures. I'm finding it really useful having my sketchbook to jump into and take sketches from if I have an idea.

Starting to use other pens..

Up till now all my sketchbook work has been in pencil so I thought it would be a good idea to start using some pens. I experimented with combining different types of pens with pencil and loved the results. I used found photos to draw the images from and also copied an image by David Foldvari. I've been looking at his work recently and been really inspired by it.

Developing my character designs

I really liked one of my character designs so I thought I'd develop a few in a similar style and took one of them onto Photoshop to see how they might translate into colour. I'm interested in making imagery with shapes of colour- ie. eliminating the black outline... so I gave it a go on this one.

Sketch Book

Continuing my sketchbook work...