I wanted to move away from just relying on pen and pencil and experiment with some different qualities of line. Most of my illustrations up till now have been using just one thickness of line so I thought i should start to look at putting some variation into my pieces. I got out the paint brush and gave it a go but it didn't really work too well. I thought I'd try and recreate the effect you might expect to get from a paintbrush with pen by drawing into the original line and making it thicker in various places. I was really pleased with how this worked out and found I was able to keep an extra level of control over the quality of line. What I did find, however was this style only really works when you have a face with lots of detail in it- In this case an elderly face means lots of wrinkles and more detail whereas the skateboarder Stevie Williams (top) has a smooth face and it dosn't look so good.
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