So here it is, the final piece! I decided to perfect bind the book with thread as I didn't want to risk losing the inner edges of the pages. Unfortuntley, when it came to folding the pages into sleeves, I managed to slightly mis-align them and this resulted in the reverse edges being slightly visable at the seam on some pages. Also, in my book binding ignorance, I manged to push too much glue up into he seam which resulted in a couple of pages not restng flat. Things like this will annoy me forever.
I originally wanted to use metallic gold foil for the logo on the cover but a few test runs and it quickly became apparent that it wouldn't be possible to achieve a clean finish. The problem was that the foil would come off slightly onto the textured buckram canvas around the logo and the finish was patchy and inconsistent. In the end I opted to use the screen I had set up to pull metallic gold paint through instead. I was really happy with the result and it worked perfectly.
I had a few problems with the production of the CD at the back of the book as well. I found that even after a couple of days, the ink on the disks would not quite completely dry. They were okay to touch, but as soon as you ran your finger across the with any pressure, a smudge would ensue. I didn't really want to risk getting pink fingerprints all over the book so for submission I coated the CD with sticky back plastic...Overall I was very happy with the finished result.
Its an awesome design..