Saturday, 30 May 2009

Andy Coleman Second Page Development

I have to say, this Page was by far the hardest to resolve. I loved the angle coming off the ledge and knew I had to do something with it. My initial idea was to continue the line out across the text box but where the type didn't always snuggly meet the line, it created a sort of optical illusion that the line was curved. I realised I needed to add some red that looked similar to the spray on the first page but when I did this it just looked awful. Really tacky. Then I had the brainwave to extend the ledge out across the page using the clone tool. I instantly knew this was the right way to take it and after some experimentation with the type, I was happy with the resolution.

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Andy Coleman Page Development

For the final article, I looked through the spreads I had completed and concluded that they were all very bright and 'condensed'. I thought it might be a good idea to go for something that's more crisp, minimal and importantly- white. I experimented in different ways to present the type as I initially I felt the normal Helvetica type against the white was a bit bland. I came up with the solution of placing the questions in grey boxes and changed the typeface to Times New Roman Bold Italic.

Monday, 25 May 2009

Hyde Park Front Page Development

My initial idea for the front page of the Hyde park article was to circle the area on the map where the skatepark is with the D in the Title. I tried changing the colour of it but the fonts I looked at weren't working. I think the effect of placing type on top of the map was just too busy and confusing. When looking through typefaces, I came across the hands font and thought it could be perfect if the stoke on the lines matched the stroke of the map. I then went about tracing the font in illustrator to achieve the desired effect.

Hyde park Article Final Spreads

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Hyde park page Development

For the Hyde Park Article, I thought I better try and incorporate some of my illustrations from my sketchbook but I just wasn't really that into how it was looking. I came up with the idea of having a map view of Hyde park morph into the lines of a skaters face. To do this I traced a couple of photos with he pen tool in illustrator.

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Tom Jeffrey Other Pages

Cutting out 10 photos in Photoshop for 2 hours is one of the most effective ways to achieve chronic wrist pain. Other than that I was really happy with how the sequence turned out.

james Isles' Second page

Friday, 22 May 2009

Secret Spot Final Pages

To be honest I'm pretty annoyed that the images don't really look 3D. Some people say they do, some people say they don't. Next time I do something like this I now know the importance of putting in that cotton reel or increasing those shadows. Had I taken the other photos with objects in, I would have used those, but I felt it would be a bit odd if it was only the tre flip photo with a giant hand in the shot for example. In retrospect, another option would have been to place the woodblock type in the scene. This would have probably worked the best.

Woodblock type

I went down to Vernon street to photograph the woodblock type. Ollie recently suggested I should have dipped the ends of the blocks in the same paint that is flicked over the scene. What a good idea. Too late to do anything about it now though...

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Trying to create a better sense of depth

I found a couple of objects lying around the studio that I could put in the scene. At the time I didn't realise how important it would be to give my images a better sense of depth. It was only when I looked at the images on my computer that I regretted not putting some objects in the other photos aswell.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Secret Spot cut-outs Photography

I made a quick mock up out of photocopy paper to see if my idea would work and then set about constructing the final scenes. I tried for ages to capture the paint I was flicking while it was mid- air but I think you would probably need a very high speed multi-shot camera to achieve this effect properly. As you see on the second image up, I got a bit carried away with this.

Secret Spot Photoshoot

Risking incarceration by the Police, me and little Tom ventured back into the Secret Spot to take some photos for my article. The dead cat that we had seen a couple of months prior was now properly decomposed and infested with maggots.